Dye Sublimation Process in Solid Surface Using Vacuum Press

This video, produced by Global Vacuum Presses, shows the dye sublimation process in solid surface. Basically, dye sublimation allows any image or graphic to be transferred onto solid surface through a heat and compression transfer process. Dye sublimation generally uses a water-based ink that will convert from a solid to a gas under the correct conditions, this gas can then bond with solid surface when it has been heated to the proper temperature in which it becomes porous (roughly 350 degrees F). When the solid surface cools, the solid surface goes back to its nonporous state, permanently capturing the image onto its surface. The solid surface can then be fabricated just like normal.

While the video is somewhat commercial, in that it uses a specific brand of vacuum press, it gives a pretty good, in-depth look at the process and what amazing innovations can be accomplished using this underutilized method:

As always, if you see a useful or interesting video you think should be shared with the countertop industry, let us know by emailing [email protected].